Welcome to the Lost & Found

Welcome carpet

Have you ever become lost in a good book? I’ll admit, the only way I can get to sleep at night is to read until my eyelids grow heavy. My mind has to trade the realities of the day for a fictional escape.

I hope some of my books will help you get lost as well. But even more importantly, I hope my books will help you find yourself. I incorporate uplifting elements in every book, with the intent of helping readers grow. I promise not to make it preachy or painful.

Sometimes you will know the character trait I emphasize through the title alone, such as in Kuntent, Paeshunt, and Jenurus. Sometimes the quality may be modeled as the main character grows. Either way, my goal is to make the journey intriguing.

Once you find one (or two or three) books that suit you, please snuggle into a cozy place and get lost and found with me.