7 Patience Benefits


The first thing that pops into my head when I hear someone mention “patience” is a song I learned as a little kid. It was on the “Music Machine” record (yes—a record) and featured Herbert the Snail. Maybe you learned it, too.

patience-herbert-the-snail-picBe patient, be patient
Don’t be in such a hurry
When you get impatient
You only start to worry.
Remember, remember
That God is patient, too
And think of all the times
When others have to wait for you.

Many songs have come and go, but this one stuck with me all of these years. I taught it to my own kids, and to many students when I was a preschool teacher. There are certainly many benefits in developing patience. Here are my top seven:

  1. Reduces Stress and Increases Happiness. When you practice patience you are more in control of your emotions and in a better position to deal with difficult situations.
  2. Helps You Meet Goals. Anything worthwhile requires time and effort. Patience helps you keep striving toward your goal.
  3. Results in better decision-making. The chances of making a big mistake lessen with patience because you take time to see the big picture and weigh the pros and cons.
  4. Gives You a Social Advantage. While others explode and cause a scene, patience allows you to remain cool and calm.
  5. Helps develop empathy and compassion.Patience allows you time to process what others are going through and think about how to help them.
  6. Changes your perspective. Patience helps you see trials as ways to grow instead of just useless pain. You’re building mental muscle.
  7. Changes the world. Modeling patience has potential to create a new generation of patient people. Imagine a world where we don’t attack each other over insignificant issues.

My childhood records disappeared years ago, but Herbert the Snail’s message lives on. Spending time developing patience is certainly worth our time.

30 Ways to Focus on Others


Sometimes ways to help others just occur naturally. If I see a lady juggling a baby, a diaper bag, and a fussy toddler and she’s approaching a door, I will instinctively open the door for her. I remember what it was like to wish I had three hands. Maybe you do, too.

There are times, however, when I want to keep my eyes off myself, but I just don’t have ideas bubbling through my brain on how to make a positive difference. I may not always have the time or the resources to go on a mission trip to Africa, but I can always offer a bit of sunshine. I decided that a list might inspire me when I’m stumped for ideas. Maybe the list will inspire you as well.

  1. Find someone at work or school who looks lonely and talk to them.
  2. If you’re sitting waiting your turn to eat at a restaurant, give your seat to someone else.
  3. Compliment someone.
  4. Give someone a hug.
  5. Contact someone who you haven’t reached in years.
  6. Let a car enter in front of your car.
  7. Pick up litter during your walk.
  8. Offer your change to someone who comes up short in the check-out line.
  9. Volunteer at a charity.
  10. Actively listen to someone, even if they are talking for a long time.
  11. Donate blood.
  12. Try to grow extra in your garden so you can give some fresh food away.
  13. Assist someone who looks lost.
  14. Donate clothing or other items to a charity.
  15. Visit someone who lives alone.
  16. Mow someone’s yard.
  17. Shovel the snow out of someone’s driveway.
  18. Give a family member breakfast in bed.
  19. Bake a treat for a neighbor or a friend.
  20. Forgive anyone who has wronged you.
  21. Do a chore you don’t normally do.
  22. Make an extra effort to orient and include someone new.
  23. Send an encouraging text, email, or letter.
  24. Remember to wish someone happy birthday on time.
  25. Thank service men for their sacrifice.
  26. Clean up after yourself.
  27. Use any resources you have to help someone find a job.
  28. Call someone by name.
  29. Include everyone in the room.
  30. Smile.

Simple ideas really, but they can get your ideas flowing. Now it’s time to work in my garden so I have veggies to share. If only the squirrels and rabbits understood that I can’t share with other people if they eat everything.

7 Ways to Develop a Positive Attitude

positive attitude image

Forget the glass being half full analogy. Odds are, it’s just water in that glass, and while that’s vital to life, I crave a different image. Let’s imagine a Nutella jar. Ahh. Much better. If you unscrew that white lid and reveal a gold foil wrapper still intact it means the jar is completely full. No one has dipped a single spoonful of chocolate-hazelnut goodness from the jar.  Most of the time, I open the lid to discover someone has binged on the sweet treat, and the jar is half empty. I have to really work to see the jar as half full.

Sometimes having a positive outlook requires effort. There are a few people out there who are naturally positive people. My husband is one, bless him. It does not come naturally to me. It’s worth the effort however, as my kids are watching and learning by example. I need to model a positive outlook on life if I want to combat the negative viewpoint that oozes from so many songs and books today.

That’s easy to say…or write. But how can we develop a positive attitude? Here are 7 ways to get us on our way.

  1. Stop the stinking thinking. You have control over your thoughts. Catch them before they get off track and send you into a spiral.
  2. Replace the negative thoughts with positive ones. Count your blessings. What are you thankful for?
  3. Accept that life isn’t fair and move on. God will help you through it.
  4. Get exercise. Release those endorphins. A workout or a walk outside can do wonders.
  5. Find a way to help others. It gets your mind off yourself.
  6. Stop whining and complaining. It brings others down.
  7. Pump in the good. Listen to positive music. Read a positive book. Talk to a positive person. Pray.

I can do this! And so can you. How’s that for being positive? Now, for a reward. I’m going to find some strawberries…and smother them in Nutella.