7 Ways to Develop a Positive Attitude

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Forget the glass being half full analogy. Odds are, it’s just water in that glass, and while that’s vital to life, I crave a different image. Let’s imagine a Nutella jar. Ahh. Much better. If you unscrew that white lid and reveal a gold foil wrapper still intact it means the jar is completely full. No one has dipped a single spoonful of chocolate-hazelnut goodness from the jar.  Most of the time, I open the lid to discover someone has binged on the sweet treat, and the jar is half empty. I have to really work to see the jar as half full.

Sometimes having a positive outlook requires effort. There are a few people out there who are naturally positive people. My husband is one, bless him. It does not come naturally to me. It’s worth the effort however, as my kids are watching and learning by example. I need to model a positive outlook on life if I want to combat the negative viewpoint that oozes from so many songs and books today.

That’s easy to say…or write. But how can we develop a positive attitude? Here are 7 ways to get us on our way.

  1. Stop the stinking thinking. You have control over your thoughts. Catch them before they get off track and send you into a spiral.
  2. Replace the negative thoughts with positive ones. Count your blessings. What are you thankful for?
  3. Accept that life isn’t fair and move on. God will help you through it.
  4. Get exercise. Release those endorphins. A workout or a walk outside can do wonders.
  5. Find a way to help others. It gets your mind off yourself.
  6. Stop whining and complaining. It brings others down.
  7. Pump in the good. Listen to positive music. Read a positive book. Talk to a positive person. Pray.

I can do this! And so can you. How’s that for being positive? Now, for a reward. I’m going to find some strawberries…and smother them in Nutella.