Lessons Learned in the Autism Room: Appreciate the Little Things

Sometimes it’s encouraging to be looked at with obvious admiration. I have to admit, it has been a while since my appearance literally made someone’s jaw drop. All it took was for me to alter my appearance entirely—by dressing up as Pete the Cat.

Every adult in the Autism Room decided to work together and wear homemade Pete the Cat costumes for Halloween.  We’ve read the books many times to our autistic friends and have found the cool cat is well-loved.

I walked through our door clad in dark blue and yellow, adjusting my hat adorned with huge eyes and ears. A few kids looked at me in confusion but returned to their table toys. One friend however gasped deep and long, dropping his blueberry muffin on the floor. His fists tightened and rose in the air as his smile grew. He approached me slowly, soaking it all in. My smile matched his as he fingered my oversized turqouise, blue, green, and red buttons. He squatted down to look at my Converse high-tops and peaked behind me in search of a tail. His eyes sparkled when he found the blue stuffed sock safety-pinned to my shirt.

You would think that his amazement would fade as each teacher walked into the room dressed in a similar costume. But no—his wonder only grew. He was in Pete the Cat heaven. Every bit of extra effort was worth it after witnessing his excitement.

How many times have I been like the rest of the class and barely paid attention to the surprises and blessings of life? I want to gasp in wonder at God’s creation and truly soak in the beautiful handiwork surrounding me. Here’s to enjoying the colors in sunsets and the fragrance of flowers. Here’s to listening to the cardinal’s song and feeling the blades of grass tickle my feet. Here’s to noticing the acts of kindness from people passing by.

Thank you, my sweet friend, for being awestruck by my simple costume, and reminding me to truly appreciate the good around me.