The Signs

I saw you last weekend. So brave and strong. Smiling even though your heart must still be aching.You didn’t bring up his suicide, so neither did I. Was that right? I don’t know. There probably isn’t a “right” in this situation. For now I will follow your lead.

I often think of my friends who have lost loved ones and realize that I could be in their position all too easily. The pressures we face can bury us if we try to carry the burden alone. I can’t imagine trying to navigate life without God carrying me and my family and friends holding my hands. It’s all just too much.

Whenever we hear about a suicide, it’s natural to go on high alert about our own loved ones. The counselor at my school shared some risk factors for suicide that I have filed into the back of my mind. These include:

  • mental illness
  • substance abuse
  • previous suicide attempts
  • hopelessness
  • access to lethal means
  • recent loss of loved ones
  • unemployment
  • vulnerability to self-harm

Warning signs for suicide include:

  • increased substance use (alcohol or drug)
  • no sense of purpose in life
  • anxiety or agitation
  • unable to sleep or sleeping all of the time
  • feeling trapped
  • withdrawal from friends, family, and society
  • rage, seeking revenge
  • acting reckless

None of us are to blame if someone decided to end it all, but being informed just might help us save a life. We can make a difference.