Picture Books


Description: Everyone knows when Wolfsbane gets stressed, mad, or sad. Tantrums erupt, chairs fly, and everyone around him is on edge. His wolf pack feels powerless when he is around and they wish he would just stay home. One day, they discover the source of his pain and find that a little compassion makes a big difference.

Explore the zones of regulation as Wolfsbane and his pack learn strategies to manage big emotions.

As a teacher, I see many students struggle to handle their emotions. Tantrums at my school have resulted in furniture overturned, bulletin boards torn down, and classrooms destroyed. I wanted to share strategies that could help children who were in crises mode. I also wanted the students who witness the tantrums to be recognized and taught ways to respond.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $2.99

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If you would like to listen to the author read What’s Wrong with Wolfsbane?, click here.



Description: Ruby the rubber band isn’t long and strong enough to twang on the stage. How disappointing! It’s a good thing she has a song to remind her that “this is okay”. She stumbles on failures and sadness, but soon discovers that learning from mistakes and snapping back after sadness helps her stretch and grow. Where does stretching lead her? What other lesson could she possibly learn?

This story about resilience combines the image of a rubber band with a positive song that will get stuck in your head.

A common theme at the 2022 Olathe Summer Conference was the need for resilience. This need was definitely evident in my school. One of the speakers, Dr. Scott Fluke, presented valuable information on teaching our students to be able to bounce back rather than give up. He shared the power of teaching kids ways to deal with disappointment and frustration rather than throwing tantrums or quitting. One method was to teach them to say, “This is okay” and carry on. That saying inspired the song in this story. I wanted an image for resilience that kids could visualize, so rubber bands (complete with arms and legs) became characters in the story.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $2.99

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If you would like to listen to the author read, “Snap Back” (including recordings of “This is Okay”), click here.

If you would like to see Woodland 3rd grade students demonstrate the motions to the song, “This is Okay”, click here.



Description: Winston is a clever cat, but sometimes he hides from adventure. Hiking, sailing, or soccer? No, thank you! He is a prisoner of fear. A school musical is approaching. He wants to participate, but what if he makes a mistake or fails? A simple act of bravery results in a clump of hair sprouting from his head. Showing courage makes more hair pop out of his chin. What is going on? Follow Winston on his journey from fear to courage and learn how to find the lion in you!

Being brave is a challenge. Sometimes it’s hard for people to try something new and risk making mistakes. Performing on a stage in front of an audience can make the risk even more daunting. After a year without live performances due to the pandemic, I noticed an increase in student nervousness. The specialists at my school selected being brave as our theme for the year. I decided to write a book about courage to help my students overcome their fear.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $2.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon

If you would like to listen to the author read, “The Lion in You”, click here.



Description: The G notes stick with their own kind. Trouble brews when Gus, a G note, becomes friends with Eva, an E note. The other treble clef line notes expose G note prejudice and in the process discover their own need for accepting others.This story will help teach treble clef note names. More importantly, it will show the importance of embracing differences. The musical notes prove that we are better together. The story and songs feature boomwhacker colors for those who want to add extra fun.

As a music teacher, I am always looking for fun ways to teach treble clef line and space note names. The riots and protests in 2020 also inspired me to do my part showing children that we should treat each other with respect, even when we have differences. After having time apart during the pandemic, we can appreciate that we are better together. Special thanks goes to my third grade students for singing the songs in this story for the recording.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $2.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon

If you would like to listen to the author read, “Monotone”, click here.



Description: What do you do when a pandemic changes your life? Rumors turn into reality, and the whole world spins out of control. School buildings, libraries, and stores shut down. Events are cancelled. Social distancing becomes the norm.  Chai is understandably concerned, even a little anxious. Is there anything he can control? How can he find peace in uncertain times?

Like everyone else, I was shocked when the schools were closed due to the Coronavirus. I scrambled to think of ways that I could help my students adjust to all of the changes. It is so easy to focus on the negative during times of crisis and become overwhelmed. I wanted to turn my students’ eyes away from the bad by looking for the good. I asked students and staff to find the good coming from our situation and tell me about it. Soon I had plenty of ideas to incorporate into a book. My hope is the book will be a good reminder for everyone to look for the good.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $2.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon

If you would like to watch the author read, “Looking for the Good “, click here.


Description: Timber is a lone wolf longing to be part of the pack. But what will it take? He attempts becoming like everyone else, but he still isn’t accepted or happy. Following wise advice and some trial and error, he learns a valuable lesson about teamwork and how his unique gifts can build others up to make his school a remarkable place.

Part of a famous quote by Rudyard Kipling is “the strength of the wolf is the pack”. This quote is featured on a beautiful mural at Woodland Elementary. Our school mascot is a wolf, so I decided to write a book with wolves as characters and incorporate the pack concept. I hope the story will help children realize that being part of the pack is not trying to be like everyone else. It is actually about working together and taking care of each other.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $3.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon


Description: Have you met a Meraki? These shy creatures live in homes and classrooms, helping with all their soul, creativity, and love. But beware—if children don’t do their part, the sweet creatures will become overwhelmed and leave. What can you do to keep a Meraki?

Encouraging kids to clean up after themselves is a challenge. I’ve implemented reward systems, punishment (the trash bag collection approach seemed like such a great idea), and numerous other clever methods. Sometimes it helped for a few days, but I eventually reverted back to nagging. I often thought it would be helpful if I had a picture book with a cleaning message that I could read to my kids whenever needed—making reminders pleasant, not painful. Finally, I decided to start a book series to fill this need.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $3.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon

Would you like a Meraki to visit your home or classroom? If so, click on any of the free video clips below. Your Meraki can pose or dance to a variety of songs.
                     Meraki Greeting 

                     Meraki Dancing to “Jamaica” 

                     Meraki Dancing to “Habanera” 

                     Meraki Dancing to “Reverie” 


Description: It makes your stomach churn and heart beat faster. It causes shaking and dizziness. Anxiety can invade your life and overwhelm you. Stella is especially anxious about her new school and new foster parents. When a porcupine is anxious, those quills can cause extra trouble. It is up to a tiny jerboa to pass along some calming advice to help them both.

My students at Havencroft asked me to write a book featuring their school. I spoke to our compassionate counselor, Leslie Rollins, about topics that troubled many of our students. She mentioned anxiety—especially among our high population of foster children. The students enjoyed reading about their own teachers and staff (transformed into animals) and recognizing scenes from around the school. The book applies to children everywhere, but was a special gift to the Havencroft family.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $3.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon


Description:  Time to hide! The collection wagon is coming. A chipmunk named Jenurus loves to gather food but resents having to share. He is stingy when asked to help fellow rodents. A predator pushes him over the edge, and Jenurus is now the one in need of assistance. After benefiting from the kindness of others, Jenurus discovers the joy in being generous.

Chipmunks and squirrels entertain me. They are always so busy storing food. I have to share apples from my trees with them every year. When I wanted to continue my attribute series, chipmunks popped into my head as great critters for learning about being generous. I discovered that their cute little faces are also very fun to draw and paint.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $3.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon


Description:  Kuntent is a frog’s tale from contentment to resentment and back again. A tree frog named Kuntent is happy with his simple life until his friends introduce him to objects he believes he can’t live without. He begins an odyssey to a nearby store, where he finds all the things he hopes will make him happy. His enjoyment is crushed by an injury and capture. How can he progress from sad to satisfied?

My family and I were shopping in Target. My daughter, Hannah really found a tiny frog with a smooshed foot in the hat aisle. She begged me to let her take him home and see if we could save him. We filled an empty bucket with dirt and water and she fed him bugs. The incident made me wonder how he wound up in a store and what kind of lesson he could learn from the experience. I wanted to start a series on attributes, and being content was a great place to start.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $3.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon


Description: A cow with a giraffe’s neck? A dog with an elephant’s trunk? This book is full of animals that are super silly. You would look silly with a body part that belonged to someone else. This book is a powerful reminder to readers everywhere that you are made special.

Children are never too young to learn that they are special and don’t have to look like everyone else. I completely enjoyed creating crazy combinations for this book. My extended family was growing with lots of little ones, so I wanted a book geared toward a younger age group.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $3.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon


Description:  This is not your typical princess story. Unlike other fairy-tale princesses, Ella is not a classic beauty. She is truly a monster. Ella is discouraged with her appearance, but when she finds her mom sick in bed, she stops thinking of herself. Ella works diligently to assist her mother. In the end, her true inner beauty shines through.

One day the word “mozzarella” sounded like “monsterella” to me. It made me think about what it would be like to have a monster wish she was more like Cinderella. I’ll admit, my girls have watched all of the princess movies. They have a crate filled with costumes–many of which are princess gowns. It’s fun to dress up and look pretty. But I want to remind kids about their inner beauty. How we look may attract those princes, but how we act is much more important. After I finished painting the illustrations, I added framed pictures to the backgrounds. The pictures in the frames are of family vacation spots and our pets.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $3.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon


Description:  Burrow underground for seventeen years? A cicada named Paeshunt rejects the notion. He has the world to explore and bugs to see, and he wants to do it now. Several narrow escapes force him to examine his impulsive plan. With the help of his friends, he learns that life is much safer and sweeter when he is patient.

My kids were very curious about the exoskeletons they found clinging to trees. They asked questions about the earsplitting noises they heard during certain times of the year. I didn’t know enough about cicadas to answer all of their questions, so I began to research. When I learned that magicicadas burrow underground for seventeen years, I knew they were perfect for a book about patience.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $3.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon


Description: Marisol, a young girl who lives in Guatemala, loves two things–drinking water out of her special cup from her beloved grandmother and going to school. However, the water in her community often makes her sick. It isn’t until “red shirt” volunteers come into the area and provide clean water that she starts to feel better. Marisol learns a valuable lesson about the importance of clean water and what it means to “pass the cup” to others.

I love to travel internationally, especially if it is on a service project. My husband works for Heart to Heart International, which is a humanitarian organization. For my 40th birthday, my husband let me join the team working in Guatemala. My very rusty Spanish skills were put to the test as we went into schools and homes to install water filters and distribute deworming medicine. The people in Guatemala were kind and welcoming, and the children—well, how could I not be inspired to write after playing with such precious kids. I wrote the story while in a tiny room in Panajachel, huddled under a blanket after being soaked to the skin from the constant rain. Proceeds from this book go directly to Heart to Heart.

Pages: 40
Hardback Price: $15.95

Rock Hill Press


Description:   Oh, the sting looking different can bring. Leah struggles with the treatment she receives for her appearance. She seeks the solitude of the creek behind her house and instead encounters an unusual unicorn. The unicorn has challenges of its own and understands her pain. Together they devise a plan to build their confidence and to increase sensitivity in others.

Both of my girls went through phases where they loved unicorns. My daughter, Halee asked if I could write a story about unicorns. Her birthday was approaching, so I had her model for the illustrations. Most unicorns are pure white and perfect. I decided to see what would happen if I gave my unicorn a spot. I wanted the girl to have a spot as well, so they could overcome challenges together. My hope was to encourage kids to see beyond imperfections in themselves and others.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $3.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon


Description: How can a simple desire become so complicated? Baxter craves a slice of pepperoni pizza and a bowl of blueberries. Communicating his request becomes a journey in itself, due to his autistic armor. Why can’t the guards just understand what he wants? Frustration turns to hope when he finds Harmony Castle.

Many children who enter the autism classrooms at Harmony Early Childhood Center are nonverbal. Communicating is a challenge. I enjoy watching students learn to use the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and, in some cases, learn to talk. I wanted to share a message of hope related to autism and to draw attention to the truly remarkable little personalities I’ve grown to care about who exist beneath autistic armor.

Pages: 36
Paperback Price: $9.99
Ebook Price: $3.99

Click here to buy it on Amazon