Mmm Hmm

One of the greatest gifts we can give to each other is to be an active listener. When I walk away from a conversation knowing that I was truly heard, I feel valued and my confidence grows. If I was having a dark day, it becomes brighter.

When my teenagers talk to me, I can chose to give distracted, small effort answers, or make a concerted effort to show that I’m listening. My choice influences whether they continue to open up to me. All too soon they will graduate and move out on their own. I want to make the most of our conversations. While I’m at it, I will strive to become a better listener when communicating with people of every age. Care to join me?

Here are 7 verbal active listening skills:

  1. Give verbal reinforcement
    “Yes,” “Mmm hmm”
  1. Reflect by paraphrasing
    “What I’m hearing is…” and “Sounds like you are saying…”
  1. Attempt summarizing
    Take main points of the message and reiterate them in a clear way
  1. Ask questions for clarification
    “What do you mean when you say…” and “Is this what you mean?”
  1. Respond respectfully
    Be open and honest. If you need to give your opinion, do it respectfully.
  1. Remember key points
    Bring them up in future conversations
  1. Attribute their ideas when speaking to others
    “Actually, I heard _____ say it. She’s so clever!”