Change the Channel


I wish I could just hide the remote control, or in our case, the multiple remotes. I can’t seem to remember which remote is used to turn on the television, which one changes the channels, which one is used for DVDs, which one is for the blue-ray player. I’ve heard tales that a universal remote can combine everything, but we haven’t actually tried it yet. Regardless, I would rather my husband did not have access to any of them. He can channel surf like a pro. If I’m going to watch a show, I want to watch it right from the start, instead of trying to figure out what is happening mid-way through.

There is one time where changing channels would be a good thing. When my brain gets stuck on negative thoughts, I need to change mind channels. An effective way to change my thoughts is to count my blessings.

Several years ago, I read Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand thousand gifts pic Through her unique poetic writing style, she encourages readers to see God’s grace in everyday life, and to find joy through gratitude. My family took her challenge to write down one thousand of God’s gifts. It took several months, but it changed our perspective. I need to continue the practice.

We can thank God throughout the day. He always loves to hear our gratitude. Sometimes in the business of the day, I realize I haven’t counted my blessings at all. I make a point to at least count them right before I go to sleep. A favorite old song of mine is from the classic Christmas movie, White Christmas. It’s a good reminder to count our blessings. Here are the lyrics and video again, in case you have forgotten them.

LyricsI think about a nursery and I picture curly heads / And one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds / If you’re worried and you can’t sleep / Just count your blessings instead of sheep.

Counting blessings is a positive way to end the day, and a great way to change channels. Now I think I will accidentally misplace all of the remotes.