7 Patience for the Moment Tips

In our autism classroom, we have an average of six pages of individualized programming for each student to complete each day. It’s a rigorous program that yields life-changing results. We give the students short breaks with activities they may select. That sounds fair, right?

Sometimes the kids don’t want to work and they make sure we know it. Oh my. We’ve had some world-class tantrums. Our patience is stretched on a regular basis. Here are some tips that I’ve tested in the trenches that can help in almost any situation life throws at you.

  1. Call it out. Recognize your impatience for what it is. That sense of agitation bubbling deep in your stomach needs a name so you can deal with it before it grows.
  2. Breathe Deep. Take a deep breath, hold it five seconds, and exhale slowly. Do this at least three times, giving your frustration a chance to melt.
  3. Count to 10. Stop and count to 10 slowly (out loud or in your head). This gives you time for the initial impulse to do something reckless to lessen.
  4. Get Perspective. Something small might appear huge in the moment. Evaluate the situation to see if it will really have an impact in the long run.
  5. Laugh. Sometimes your frustrating situation is so ridiculous you just have to laugh about it and shake it off. It might make a good story some day.
  6. Empathize. Did someone really mean to irritate you? If so, why? Try reacting with understanding.
  7. Take a Time Out. If all else fails, take a break from the situation, even if it is only for a few minutes. Walk away and give yourself time to calm down and plan your words or actions.

7 Patience Benefits


The first thing that pops into my head when I hear someone mention “patience” is a song I learned as a little kid. It was on the “Music Machine” record (yes—a record) and featured Herbert the Snail. Maybe you learned it, too.

patience-herbert-the-snail-picBe patient, be patient
Don’t be in such a hurry
When you get impatient
You only start to worry.
Remember, remember
That God is patient, too
And think of all the times
When others have to wait for you.

Many songs have come and go, but this one stuck with me all of these years. I taught it to my own kids, and to many students when I was a preschool teacher. There are certainly many benefits in developing patience. Here are my top seven:

  1. Reduces Stress and Increases Happiness. When you practice patience you are more in control of your emotions and in a better position to deal with difficult situations.
  2. Helps You Meet Goals. Anything worthwhile requires time and effort. Patience helps you keep striving toward your goal.
  3. Results in better decision-making. The chances of making a big mistake lessen with patience because you take time to see the big picture and weigh the pros and cons.
  4. Gives You a Social Advantage. While others explode and cause a scene, patience allows you to remain cool and calm.
  5. Helps develop empathy and compassion.Patience allows you time to process what others are going through and think about how to help them.
  6. Changes your perspective. Patience helps you see trials as ways to grow instead of just useless pain. You’re building mental muscle.
  7. Changes the world. Modeling patience has potential to create a new generation of patient people. Imagine a world where we don’t attack each other over insignificant issues.

My childhood records disappeared years ago, but Herbert the Snail’s message lives on. Spending time developing patience is certainly worth our time.