Lessons Learned in the Autism Room: Time to Celebrate!

Some days are worth celebrating. In the Autism Room, like in classrooms everywhere, it is the last day of school.

How did we celebrate? Our regular individualized programming was placed on hold. No more receptive identification, matching, sorting, expressive identification, motor imitation…Instead we had group projects and play time.

We made play doh, slime, and erupting volcanoes. We danced and sang. We caught bubbles and drew on sidewalks with chalk. We had free play time inside and out on the playground. For the grand finale, we covered a section of the floor with soft mats and sprayed the mats with can after can of shaving cream. Our little friends tossed their shoes and socks aside and began sliding on the mats. All of the teachers created a human wall around the mats so no child could fall on the hard floor or escape to leave a trail of shaving cream footprints behind them.

Some kids dove right in. (We’re talking full-belly slide.) Some were cautious at first, but gradually grew bolder as they stomped, tip-toed, and slid around. They were soon foamy white from head to toe. Did they mind? No. Did the teachers mind? No. Shaving cream is washable (and leaves behind a fresh minty scent.) The pure abandon and joy on each face was worth all the extra cleaning effort.

There are days where we need to celebrate life. The daily grind can weigh heavy on our backs. We all have crazy schedules and too much pressure. The “to-do list” stretches on and on. No matter how old we are, there are days where we need to shove our burdens aside and just relax and have fun.

I hope all of you get a chance to break from routine at least a few times this summer. You deserve it! Life is worth celebrating—with or without the shaving cream.