Patience–A Poem

fog pic

©Tami Brumbaugh

Still waiting.
How long has it been?
I’m restless,
Longing for resolution.
Trapped on a vague journey
With the Road stretching endlessly before me
More of the same behind.
I need it, but the unknown
Seeps like fog over the windows
Obscuring my view.
I fidget, trying to make sense of it all.
My sleeve swipes the glass,
But still the future is unclear.
Why doesn’t the map direct my way?
Where is the crisp British voice
Mispronouncing street names,
But telling me turns to make.
I inspect my rearview mirror.
It’s exploding with past expectations and errors,
And can’t be adjusted.
The future and past swirl,
Forcing bouts of car-sickness.
I should display it, but instead
I hoist myself into the driver’s seat
And accelerate
Hoping to reach my destination more rapidly.
The scenery barely changes
Mile markers show time passing
But I’m no closer to my goal.
No more.
I yank on the wheel
And jab random buttons on the dashboard.
The car careens through detours and wrong turns and plunges into a ditch.
You let me rant and flail my arms
Until exhausted I crawl back into the passenger side
And buckle the seat belt.
With skilled hands You guide the car back onto the Road.
No reprimands.
No truckload of guilt.
I wait hopefully,
Curious to see where You drive.
I tighten the seat belt to restrain my arms
So I can focus on enjoying You and the ride.
Your deep, quiet voice
Soothes my soul.
Have you been talking all along?
The side windows clear,
Revealing other drivers,
Pedestrians strolling on sidewalks,
Maple branches swaying,
Clouds drifting in pastel-painted skies.
Resolution will come in time.
Until then I will trust.
I will lean back in my seat and practice